This is 1 of a few enocunters we have had in Uwahrrie National Forest that we are putting down to Sasquatch.
In this situation, it was even more interesting as at least three groups went speeding out of the camp site around 4am and left EVERYTHING behind. All of these groups were very close by to each other. One group was even out hunting and all decked out, then also went speeding out of the site.
Now, slightly before this, we heard several 'odd' noises that almost sounded like cows mooing. The interesting part about this is, there are no cows in the middle of the National Forest, or at least none that we saw. The other part of this was how long and deep the mooing went on for, I don't think cow have those bog of lungs!! The sounds did come from various different areas as if they were communicating to each other and they moved around indicating that whatever was making the sounds was mobile.
We staying in the tent and continued to monitor the sounds while several other groups left!
When we went back a few months later, we also found a VERY CLEAN deer skull just outside one of the camp areas.....that seems a little off to us but who knows.
We will keep you updated on our next excursion!